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Tips for Active & Healthy Life| Real Activ Tips

Ten Inspiration Tracks to Carry while Running

Ten Inspiration Tracks to Carry while Running

Music is a healer, entertainer and most of all motivational in nature. Apart from comfortable sneakers..

10 fun sports that are great for exercise

10 fun sports that are great for exercise

With the urbane crowd hitting gyms and eating well, it is obvious that maintaining a toned physique and embracing a holistic lifestyle has...

Yoga - For a Healthy Body and Mind.

Yoga - For a Healthy Body and Mind.

From centuries Indian gurus have practiced the art of Yoga that has now been popularised as a method of exercising in the modern world.

5 Incredibly Simple Ways to Stay Fit

5 Incredibly Simple Ways to Stay Fit

Technology may have given us a lot but it is taking away one thing that is very precious – our health...
